Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed
År: 1909
Sted: Kjøbenhavn
Sider: 185
UDK: 6201(09)
On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)
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nation of insoluble constituents. Determination of oxide of lead.
Examination for copper and other heavy metals.
Water for locomotives and stationary boi-
lers. Complete analysis.
Waste-water in ships and ferries/. Determi-
nation of the content of chlorine and fat.
Paint-ingredients for ships and f e r r i e s. De-
termination of ferric oxide, quicksilver, arsenic and copper.
Among the testing-methods investigated by the machine-divi-
sion the following may perhaps be considered to be of greater
The lest of coal which is more thoroughly described in num-
ber 34/1906 of »Ingeniøren«.
Determination of the hardness of materials through forcing
o o
stell-discs into the material and afterwards measuring the mark
produced in the material. The apparatus used for these tests may
eventually be shown and explained at the congress.
c. Account of the Tests of Materials made by the Artillery1).
For the testing of arms and other things used by the artillery
and of the materials used to the producing of them a great num-
ber of tests are made yearly. These are partly made at the diffe-
rent workshops such as forging and hardening tests, partly as
shooting tests in the commission for tests and at the control of
small arms, the shooting-school, and the laboratory-workshops
while all tensile, impact, and bending tests together with chemical
analyses are made at the testing laboratory of the artillery.
In the time from 1/7 1907—30/6 1908 are at this laboratory
122 tensile tests of various materials such as steel, cast iron,
copper, brass, wire-ropes, hemp-ropes and amiantine.
37 impact-tests with steel and cast iron.
20 bending tests of steelpipes.
139 chemical analyses of various kinds of steel, copper and
copper-alloys, lead and lead-alloys especially hard lead, tin, zink,
aluminium, and amiantine, silkcord, silk-thread, flannel, vase-
line-oil, vaseline, ferronate and other fatty substances.
*) Informations of lieutenant Ove K. Ovesen, manager of the Testing Laboratory
of the Artillery.