Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed
År: 1909
Sted: Kjøbenhavn
Sider: 185
UDK: 6201(09)
On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)
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B. Summary of the Publications of the Danish
States Testing Laboratory1).
1. Investigations on Metals.
As to investigations on metals, the Laboratory has only io a
slight extent been able to set up experimental series as the expen-
ses in fashioning test pieces would be too great for the small
means which were at our disposal. Only in one domain a larger
experimental series has been set up, namely with respect to t e s-
ting of pipes of malleable iron (Report VIII), be-
cause The Society of Danish Engineers wanted a greater series
of tests in order to establish appropriate testing methods
drawing up of specifications for delivery of such pipes.
To the 4th International Congress in Brussels in 1906
rector of the Laboratory, Professor Hannover, submitted
suits of this experimental series and the Danish specifications that
had been agreed upon, to which we refer here").
It may, perhaps, be of interest to see how pipes tested later
— i. e. from the conclusion of the experimental series until Jan. 1.
1909 — have gone through the tests prescribed:
As to s t e a m pipes tensile tests were made with 8 deliveries,
the tests being made with altogether 41 pipes. Among these 41
pipes the lest proved unsatisfactory for 5 pipes. In one of these
pipes the strength was too slight, namely only 31,9 kg pr. sq. mm
instead of at least 33 kg pr. sq. mm, in 3 the elongation was too
small namely 9,9, 9,0 and 7,8 per cent instead of at least 12 per
1) The summary has here and there been supplemented with details not for-
merly published.
2) The German minutes of proceedings, p. 173.