Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed

År: 1909

Sted: Kjøbenhavn

Sider: 185

UDK: 6201(09)

On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)

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Side af 202 Forrige Næste
129 of Copenhagen etc. — in later years also some cements for con- structions in reinforced concrete. A general view of the properties of the cement employed in Denmark will be obtained from the col- lection given in Table I and II of the results of the examinations of cement in 1908. In 1908 167 examinations of this kind were accomplished. All these except one went through the standard test for constancy of volume. Table I gives the means of all the results (except the setting time for quick-setting cements) of tests of setting together with tensile and compression-tests after 3, 7, 28 days and 3 months from the examinations of cement made in 1908. The values of Table II. Results of Complete Examinations of Cement made in 1908. Time of setting Erdmengers high pressure-steam-test 3 days 7 days 28 days 3 months tensile com- press. tensile com- press. tensile com- press. tensile com- press. tensile compress. 67, hours 27,5 36,5 378 15,0 101 17,9 154 19,8 230 30,2 315 8 — 430 11,9 92 18,0 183 22,0 286 33,0 364 63/4 — 31,7 445 13,9 104 19,5 190 27,8 35,7 339 33,7 414 7 72 — 33,8 430 14,5 114 23,2 244 486 35,9 591 7 — The test-pieces were disintegrated 10,6 84 10,8 100 17,5 168 29,6 252 6 — do. do. 11,7 88 10,7 104 17,8 162 57s — 35,7 360 16,0 112 23,1 204 25,1 327 774 — 36,2 459 18,2 114 21,4 187 27,0 296 31,1 369 73/4 — 33,2 427 16,0 114 20,1 186 28,3 294 29,9 382 61/4 — 36,2 470 16,4 131 20,7 209 27,0 318 31,0 398 71/, — 27,9 379 14,2 126 16,6 127 23,8 226 28,0 324 3 minutes 17,9 165 9,6 60 10,0 70 13,2 117 19,7 185 6:74 hours 35,4 500 16,1 127 22,4 212 27,7 352 33,4 466 8 — 35,6 500 15,6 115 23,1 266 31,8 431 32,0 497 6 — 10,3 123 11,3 88 16,6 171 25,6 319 61/2 — 35,6 484 17,7 148 21,5 277 28,8 377 31.5 448 8’/2 — The test-pieces were disintegrated 13,6 114 17,4 162 21,0 210 8 — 27,3 349 13,3 93 15,1 131 23,1 206 28,1 269 6% — 35,4 480 16,9 133 21,0 206 26,4 333 36,1 471 772 — 23,9 198 16,2 106 18,7 206 24,9 318 30,5 401 ii — 23,6 314 4,2 41 6,9 68 17,8 158 25,5 234 73/< — 27,1 362 16,7 11(5 19,1 157 22,9 221 29,2 302 734 — 40,1 478 17,7 145 28,1 284 33,8 497 41,0 569 7 — 43,3 551 23,5 191 28,0 286 34,0 505 36,4 532 7 — 37,3 473 16,1 111 21,2 202 26,1 318 32,7 413 674 — The test-pieces were disintegrated 12,3 96 13,8 135 16,8 209 28,3 283 about 45 min. 27,1 303 9,6 52 13,6 115 20,5 209 28,7 332 ■ -..»II. ■