Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed

År: 1909

Sted: Kjøbenhavn

Sider: 185

UDK: 6201(09)

On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)

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 \ y. ■ wo 137 perature could have been reached, the final interval displaying a rising of 3—4 degrees in 1 minute. It was now resolved to produce the furnace, a longitudinal section of which is seen at p. 36 in fig. 101), with a platinum win- ding of a thickness of 0,8 mm. The ends of the winding, for possible tensions made double from the chamotte cylinder B, were led out through the cylindric surface of the cesspool, and fastened here to two connection binders I—K. The pyrometer F was also led through the cylindric surface in such a way, that the junction was placed in the very centre of the axis of the cha- motte cylinder. The furnace in its final form coming to lie ho- rizontally an asbestos plate G was placed on the front side to keep hold of the Kaoline and the Asbestos Hakes. C is a bottom plate, D and E the closure of the furnace. By the first experiment with the new winding, it was decided to try to reach 1500° Centigrade and to observe how soon this point could be reached. It was proved that this temperature could be attained in the course of about 1 hour and a half. There was now laid a special conduction io the furnace' and set up a switch-board with a single-poled interrupter, an Amperemeter, an automatic interrupter, interrupting at 17 Am- pere, 2 wire-rheostates of respectively 2 and 10 Ohm and the ne- cessary connection binders and securities. On the regulation of the current being not so complete as desirable and the current being at first rather strong, a water resistance, consisting of a glass- vessel with 2 accumulator-plates, was added somewhat later. P. 37, fig. 11 shows the furnace with switch-board etc.: L is se- curities, M interrupter, N amperemeter, O automatic interrupter, P wire-rheostates, Q water resistance and R a millivoltmeter for the pyrometer. On the whole this furnace has not fallen short of the ex- pectations formed of it. It is exceedingly easily regulated. For hours the temperature can be kept constant perhaps oscillating 5° from the point of equilibrium. As above stated the furnace can exceedingly well be used at temperatures up to 1500° Centigrade. The Laboratory does not, At fig. 10 Kaolin means Kaoline and Asbest Asbestos. 10 ■■■■■I