Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed

År: 1909

Sted: Kjøbenhavn

Sider: 185

UDK: 6201(09)

On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)

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144 Laboratory. The report was translated in extenso in »Tonindu- strie-Zeitung« 1908, Nr. 122 and 125. The following is a summary of the latter. I. Introduction. For about 8 years The Danish States Testing Laboratory had employed its usual test of resistance to frost, no complaint being ever brought forward either on part of the brick-manufactories or by the furnishers of natural stones, that this test was too severe. When, however, some years ago the sand-lime-bricks were introduced on our building-mar- ket, the Laboratory heard it said, now and then, that its test of resistance to frost must be too rigorous. It was said that in spite of the bricks freezing to pieces at the tests of the Laboratory, they held their own exceedingly well in nature, and the La- boratory was told that bricks, tested with a bad result at the La- boratory, went particularly well through the test of the Berlin 1 esting Laboratory. Corresponding with the Berlin Laboratory of these matters, the Laboratory sent bricks of a supply whose resistance to frost had been tested here to Berlin. These bricks proved, indeed, to hold their own much better in Berlin than here. An account was already made of these proceedings in the Annual Report of the Laboratory 1906, p. 6. Neither the corre- sponclance carried on nor the experiments made were, however, able to clear up the problem to such an extent, that the Labo- ratory felt compelled to aller its test of resistance to frost. But on the 26th of June 1907 the Board of W o r k s in Copenhagen issued a notice that only those s a n d -1 i m e - b r i c k s were to b e employed in outer walls the re s i s t a n c e to frost of which had b e e n verified, by which was meant verified at the Laboratory. A factory of sand-lime-bricks of this place then applied to the Laboratory asking it to make thorough experiments at the expense of the factory in order to substantiate whether the La- boratory did not find it appropriate to alter the test of resistance to frost so that it became more accordant with the Berlin test. By means of the experiments it should especially be ascer- tained whether German sand-lime-bricks of the most generally recognized marks were able to go through the test of resistance to frost of the Laboratory.