Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed
År: 1909
Sted: Kjøbenhavn
Sider: 185
UDK: 6201(09)
On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)
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pieces of wood were employed. On observing by one of the ex-
periments some splits broken off, which might possibly be due
to the swelling of the wood, caoutschouc strips were used instead
of pieces of wood. The other 4 bricks were not clasped into
straps, but placed in the freezing case, one header-side standing
directly on the bottom of the freezing case. There was taken
care to place these bricks continually with the same header-side
turned down-wards. For the rest the tests followed the same
line as usual.
Sort A.
1) Clasped into straps.
The bricks had apparently not been damaged.
2) Standing on one header-side.
In all bricks the header-side turned downwards had been
quite frozen off, in 2 of the bricks some other injuries were also
Sort B.
1) Clasped into straps.
In one of the bricks was observed an inconsiderable disrup-
tion of the shell in a corner of the header-side turned down-
wards. The other bricks had apparently not been damaged.
2) Standing on one header-side.
One of the bricks displayed smaller disruptions of the shell
in two corners turning upwards. These disruptions were con-
tinued somewhat down Ilie adjacent stretcher-sides. The other
bricks had apparently not been damaged.
Sort C.
1) Clasped into straps.
3 of the bricks displayed very severe damages on the header-
sides turning downwards, in one brick the whole header-side being
practically absent, in another the two thirds, in a third the half-
part. In a fourth brick a less considerable disruption of the
shell in two corners of the header-side turning downwards was
2) standing on one header-side.
On all bricks the header-sides turning downwards were frozen
off at a thickness of about 1 cm, and apart from this all bricks
displayed other very considerable damages.