Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed
År: 1909
Sted: Kjøbenhavn
Sider: 185
UDK: 6201(09)
On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)
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through it. It must, however, be observed that the Laboratory
has later changed its test of resistance to frost for sand-lime
bricks — see under c — and intends possibly to introduce this
changed test also for cement bricks.
During the last year there has been required commenced by
the Laboratory a longer series of experiments with producing of
cement-bricks in different proportions while employing various
sorts of cement and sand. The producing of the) bricks was
made at different times of the year (also in order to substan-
tiate the influence of the season on the strength of the bricks)
at a cement-brick-manufactory in Jutland controlled by the La-
boratory, while the compression-tests of the experimental series
produced were made at the Laboratory at certain intervals. The
experiments are still continued.
e. Testing of Clay- and Cement-Pipes as to their Resistance to
Pressure from without.
The tests made by the Laboratory on this line and on which
Report XIII1) was formerly published were with very few ex-
ceptions executed after the method recommended by the Inter-
i national Congress of Brussels in 1906 after proposal of Prof.
Gary, the pressure having at these experiments been working
along single generators, and only these experiments appear in the
following tables.
For these tests the Laboratory employs the Tinius Olsen-
machine — see Report I — when the inward diameter of the
pipes does not exceed 6" (16 cm); for pipes of this dimension there
is still room here.
The apparatus of the Laboratory for testing
of pipes where the diameter exceeds 6" is a lever as shown
at p. 69—70 by fig. 25—27. R — see p. 69 fig. 25 — is a frame
of F -iron founded into ä very large concrete block K. The
frame consists of 2 pieces of perpendicular jT-iron connected
above by a short piece of horizontal Q-iron to which is se-
cured by bolts an edge-pillow P. Aaginst this edge-pillow the
lever V itself bears with its one knife-edge.
The lever is a wooden beam into which are let 3 steel-plates
3) A summary of this report is to be found in Tonindustrie-Zeitung 1907,
p. 1695.