Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed

År: 1909

Sted: Kjøbenhavn

Sider: 185

UDK: 6201(09)

On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)

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Side af 202 Forrige Næste
 169 Compression-test-pieces were formed, as usually on Bohme’s hammer apparatus. After being left 28 days in a v e r y moist r o o m — the degree of moisture in this room was later deter- mined to be about 90 per cent — the test pieces were subjected to the compression-test. The results are seen in Table IX. Table IX. Compression-tests with Lime-Moler-Mortar. Proportions Mortar A 8 pei’ cent calcic hydrate 92 per cent sand Mortar B 4 per cent calcic hydrate 4 per cent moler 92 per cent sand mean for 10 test-pieces 3,0 kg pr. sq. cm 31,8 kg pr. sq. cm Thus, it is seen that the strength increased exceedingly much when replacing half of the calcic hydrate by moler. As it appears, however, from the next series of experiments, conditions during the first series of experiments were rather unfavourable to the lime-moler mortar in that the storing took place in a very moist room. At the second series of experiments a mortar was begun with containing 5 per cent dry calcic hydrate. The sand employed was a sort of wall sand, the lime was bought in the market. In the named mortar the 3 per cent calcic hydrate were then replaced by moler. Ten test-pieces of each mortar were produced. Of these 10 test-pieces 5 were placed in a very moist room, the other 5 on a Table X. Compression-tests with Lime-Moler Mortar. Proportions Mortar C 5 per cent calcic hydrate 95 per cent sand Mortar D 2 per cent calcic hydrate 3 per cent moler 95 per cent sand Stored in very moist room Stored in the cement premises Stored in very moist room Stored in the cement premises mean for 5 test-pieces 1,9 kg pr. sq. cm 6,0 kg pr. sq. cm 5,1 kg pr. sq. cm 4,3 kg pr. sq. cm 12