Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed
År: 1909
Sted: Kjøbenhavn
Sider: 185
UDK: 6201(09)
On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)
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by Prof. N. G. Steenberg, under whose charge they had been exe-
cuted, at the International Congress for applied chemistry in Ber-
lin 1903 and occurs translated into German in the report of the
proceedings of the Congress. The second part has the following
4 main sections: formation of rust on iron, protection of the iron
against rust by coatings of various kinds, attacks of the iron in
spite of its being painted and how this is to be conceived and:
testing of the value of rust-preventing means. The latter section
is divided into two parts, of which the former gives a summary
of various reports on previous experiments, partly practical, partly
laboratory experiments, while the latter part treats of the series of
experiments made by the Danish States Testing Laboratory.
For the rust-preventing means these consist to a great extent in:
1) Determination of the consumption of colour,
2) — - the drying power,
3) Exposure to heating up to 150—160° Centigrade,
4) -— - .gaseous sulphuretted hydrogen,
5) — - gaseous sulphurous acid,
6) — - gaseous hydrochloric acid,
7) — - vapour at atmospheric pressure,
8) — - tensioned vapours,
9) — at the same time to air, carbonic acid and vapour,
10) — to boiling water,
11) — - accumulator acid (sulphuric acid sp. g. 1,15),
12) — - a 3 per cent dissolution of common salt
feeded with air and carbonic acid,
13) Testing of resistance to wear,
14) Examinations of the colour-films themselves especially as
regards their permeability for liquids,
and besides these series of experiments made in the form
of laboratory experiments, also the following
practical series of experiments:
15) Exposure to smoke-containing air,
16) Suspension at a tar reservoir in the Eastern Gas-works of
In the said report XII it is stated more particularly how the
colours were painted on small pieces of iron-plates either covered
with iron-scale, or after the latter had been removed by immersion
in glycerine-sulphuric-acid bath with ensuing careful rincing with
water and polishing with fine emery-cloth.