Om Materialprøvningens Udvikling i Norden
Og om Statsprøveanstaltens Virksomhed

År: 1909

Sted: Kjøbenhavn

Sider: 185

UDK: 6201(09)

On the development of testing of materials in the north and on the work of the danish states testing laboratory in Copenhagen (english translation)

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C O N T E N T S. b. 125 128 161 f. 166 g- 168 h. 171 17(5 t- II. III. II. III. 181 184 of of of of of 114 117 118 119 page 105 105 112 113 133 135 143 160 1. m. n. 120 120 A. The Development of Methods of Testing Materials in the North . . . . Poul Würtz________________________________________________ The Development of the Testing of Materials in Sweden________ The Development of the Testing of Materials in Denmark . . . . Account of Experiments made by the Engineer Corps during the years 1858 -1880 on Portland Cement and Concrete . . . Account of the Testing of Materials at the Danish State Railways Account of the Tests of Materials made by the Artillery . . . Account of the Testing of Materials at the Royal Navy-Yard Account of the Tests made by the States Technical Office for Testing of Paper_________________________________________ Various Other Informations______________________________ Informations about The Danish States Testing Laboratory and its Work________________________________________________ Natural Stones_________________________________ Bricks and Examinations of their Raw Materials . Sand-Lime-Bricks______________________________ Cement-Bricks________________________________ Clay- and Cement-Pipes as to their Resistance to B. Summary of the Publications of the Danish States Testing Laboratory Investigations on Metals__________________________________________ Examinations of Cement_________________________________________ Other Researches________________________________________________ a. Testing b. Testing c. Testing Testing Testing Pressure from without_____________________________________ Attemps at Producing Weather-Proof Cement-Plaster without Fissures_____________________________________________________ Experiments with Partly Replacing Lime in Lime-Mortar by Moler_______________________________________________________ Researches on Painting on Fresh, Surface-dry or Moist Ce ment-Plaster__________________________________________________ Researches on Linseed Oil and Rust-preventing materials. . . Experiments concerning Means for the Preservation of Wood Experiments on Impregnation of Wood against Fire_________ Testing of Linoleum and Jointless Floor-Coating Masses . . . . Testing of Caoutchouc Articles______________________________ Various Researches__________________________________________