Motion Study
A Method for Increasing the Efficiency of the Workman
Forfatter: Frank B. Gilbreth
År: 1911
Forlag: D. Van Nostrand Company
Sted: New York
Sider: 116
UDK: 658.54 Gil Gl.
DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000026
With an Introduction by Robert Thurston Kent Editor of "Industrial Engineering".
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Chapter I .
Description and General Outline of Motion Study.. 1-9
1. Necessity for Motion Study................ 1
2. Place of Motion Study in Scientific Manage-
ment .................................... 3
3. Vast Field for Motion Study................. 5
4. Present Stage of Motion Study............ 5
5. The Variables............................ 6
Chapter II .
Variables of the Worker........................ 10-42
1. Anatomy.................................. 10
2. Brawn..................................... T3..................................
3. Contentment............................. 14
4. Creed.................................... T5
5. Earning Power............................... 16
6. Experience................................ T9
7. Fatigue................................... 23...................................
8. Habits.................................... 32
9. Health................................... 33
10. Mode of Living............................. 35
11. Nutrition................................. 35
12. Size...................................... 3^
13. Skill...................................... 36
14. Temperament................................ 38
15. Training.................................. 4°
Chapter III .
Variables of the Surroundings................... 43-64
1. Appliances................................ 43
2. Clothes.................................... 45
3. Color...................................... 46
4. Entertainment............................ 48
5. Heating.................................... 49
6. Lighting................................... 5°