Motion Study
A Method for Increasing the Efficiency of the Workman

Forfatter: Frank B. Gilbreth

År: 1911

Forlag: D. Van Nostrand Company

Sted: New York

Sider: 116

UDK: 658.54 Gil Gl.

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000026

With an Introduction by Robert Thurston Kent Editor of "Industrial Engineering".

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INDEX Standard tools, necessity for, 80. Standardizing the trades, future work in, 94. need for, 93, 95, 96. Subclassifying the trades, need for, 95- Surroundings, 58. relation to standard practice of, 91. relation of output to, 58. specifications in instruction cards on, 58. standardizing of, 58. variables of, 43. Tall men, selection of work for, 36. Taylor, F. W., data on “rest,” 25. laws of management, 4. separating planning from per- forming by, 73. “Shop Management,” 56. wonderful work of, 94. Temperament, 38-40. effect on output of, 40. Temperature, importance of regula- tion of, 49. The first steps, 102-110. “Three Months in Peonage,” 48. Time study observations, making of, 92. using of, 92. Tools, 59-62. bureau of testing of, 60. hand, 60. “handiness” no just test of, 60. importance to apprentices of proper, 59. influence upon output of, 59. necessity for standard, 59. necessity of providing proper, 59. rating as motion savers of, 60. relation to standard motions of, 59. relation to standard practice of, 91. II5 Tools, standard patterns of, 60. standard sizes of, 60. testing stations for, 61. Trades, necessity for study of, 99. reclassifying of, 73. standardizing of, 93. Trades school, methods of, 98. Training, 40-41. definition of, 40. effect on output of, 40. necessary scope of, 41. Ultimate methods, definition of, 93. Ultimate system, place of motion study in, 4. Union rules, 62-63. hindrance to standardizing mo- tions of, 62. U. S. Bureau of Standardization of Mechanical Trades, 98. U. S. government, work to be done by, 95- Value of charts, 87-94. Variables, definition of, 6. difficulty in separating, 85. difficulty of enumerating the, 87. divisions of, 6. incompleteness of list of, 85. list of, 6. method of study of, 7. necessity for application of, 9. of the motion, 65-85. field of, 65. of the surroundings, 43-64. equipment and tools, 6. of the worker, 6, 10-42. definition of, 41. study, on long jobs, of, 85. study, on short jobs, of, 85. test for study of, 8. Ventilating, 49-50. effect on clothing of, 50.