Motion Study
A Method for Increasing the Efficiency of the Workman

Forfatter: Frank B. Gilbreth

År: 1911

Forlag: D. Van Nostrand Company

Sted: New York

Sider: 116

UDK: 658.54 Gil Gl.

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000026

With an Introduction by Robert Thurston Kent Editor of "Industrial Engineering".

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4 D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY S SHORT-TITLE CATALOG Ashe, S. W. Electric Railwavs. Vol. II. Engineering Pre- liminarie and Direct Current Sub-Stations...............umo, *2 50 —<-Electricity: Experimentally and Practically Applied, limo, *2 00 Ashley, R. H. Chemical Calculations.......................izmo, *2 00 Atkins, W. Common Battery Telephony Simplified. .. .nmo, *1 25 Atkinson, A. A. Electrical and Magnetic Calculations.. 8vo, *1 50 Atkinson, J. J. Friction of Air in Mines. (Science Series No. 14.) .................................................i6mo, 0 50 Atkinson, J J., and Williams, E. H., Jr. Gases Met with in Coal Mines. (Science Series No. 13.).............i6mo, 0 50 Atkinson, P. The Elements of Electric Lighting..........nmo, 1 00 ----The Elements of Dynamic Electricity and Magnetism. 12mo, 2 00 Atkinson, P. Power Transmitted by Electricity..............umo, 2 00 Auchincloss, W. S. Link and Valve Motions Simplified.... 8vo, *1 50 Austin, E. Single Phase Electric Railways..................4to, *5 00 Austin and Cohn. Pocketbook of Radiotelegraphy........(In Press.) Ayrton, H. The Electric Arc.............................8vo, *5 50 Bacon, F. W Treatise on the Richards Steam-Engine Indica- tor....................................................umo, i 00 Bailey, R. D. The Brewers’Analyst.......................8vo, *5 00 Baker, A. L. Quaternions................................8vo, *1 25 ----Thick-Lens Optics...............................121110, *1 50 Baker, Benj. Pressure of Earthwork. (Science Series No. 56.) i6mo, Baker, G. S. Ship Form, Resistance and Screw Propulsion, 8vo, *4 50 Baker, I. 0 Levelling. (Science Series No. 91.)......i6mo, o 50 Baker, M. N. Potable Water. (Science Series No. 6i).i6mo, 0 50 -----Sewerage and Sewage Purification. (Science Series No. 18.) i6mo, o 50 Baker, T. T. Telegraphic Transmission of Photographs. umo, *1 25 Bale, G. R. Modern Iron Foundry Practice. Two Volumes. I2U1O. Vol. I. Foundry Equipment, Material Used............ *3 00 Vol. II. Machine Moulding and Moulding Machines.... *1 50