The Locomotive Of Today

År: 1904

Forlag: The Locomotive Publishing Company, Limited

Sted: London

Udgave: 3

Sider: 180

UDK: 621.132

Reprinted with revisions and additions, from The Locomotive Magazine.

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THE LOCOMOTIVE OF TO-DAY. 179 Section V. EXAMPLES FROM MODERN PRACTICE. MODERN locomotives are of an almost indefinite variety of types, which are classified by the total number of wheels, the number of wheels coupled, and the position of the cylinders, inside or outside the frames, whilst they may be further subdivided accorcling as they have inside or outside bearings, the description of valve gear, etc. , further, they may have separate tenders, or they may be tank engines, in the latter case the tanks may be side, saddle, well or rear. In this country locomotives commonly have either single driving wheels or four, six. or eight wheels coupled, whilst elsewhere ten and even twelve wheels coupled have been built. Examples ot almost every possible combination are to be found, and it would take a volume to illustrate them all. The sixteen plates chosen to illustrate this book may, however, be taken as representing those which have been most generally constructed during the last two or three years, though it must not be supposed that the types which do not find a place are therefore necessarily obsolete. A brief description is appended together with the leading dimensions of the engines shown in the plates, all of which are types designed for the standard 4-ft. 8|-in. gauge :— Plate I. (Frontispiece).—Four Wheels Coupled Leading Bogie Ten Wheeled Engine for the Lancashire & Yorksbire Ry. Built at the Company’s Works, Horwich. Cylinders, 19-in. by 26-in. ; diameter of driving wheels, 7-ft. 3-in. ; heating surface—tubes, 1877 sq. ft., firebox, 175’8 sq. ft., total, 2052'8 sq. ft.; grate area, 26-05 SQ- ft-> working pressure, 175 Ibs. pei' sq. in.; weight in working order 58J tons. Plate II. (Frontispiece).—Eight Wheels Coupled Three Cylinder Compound Engine for the London & North Western Ry. Built at the Company’s Works, Crewe. Cylinders—(2) H.P., 15-in. by 24-in., (1) L.P., 30-in. by 24-in. ; diameter of driving wheels, 4-ft. 5|-in.; heaiing surface—tubes, 1374’3 sq. ft., firebox, 114-7 sq. ft., total, 1489-0 sq. ft.; grate area, 20-5 sq. ft.; working pressure, 175 Ibs. per sq. in.; weight in working order, 49 tons 5 cwt. Plate III.—Single Driver Leading Bogie Engine for the Great Northern Railway. Built at the Company’s works, Doncaster. Cylinders, 18-in. by 26-in.; diameter of driving wheels, 7-tt. 6-iti. ; heating surface—tubes 1143 sq. ft., firebox 125 sq. ft., total 1268 sq. ft.; grate area, 23 sq. ft. Plate IV.—Four Wheels Coupled Leading Bogie Outside Cylinder Engine for the Pennsylvania Railroad. Built at the Company’s Works, Altoona Cylinders, H.P., I9|-in. by 28-in., L.P., 31-in. by 28-in.; diameter of driving wheels, 7-ft.; working pressure, 200 Ibs. per sq. in.; weight in working order, 65 tons. Plate V.—Four Wheels Coupled Leading Bogie Engine for the Belgian State Rys. Built by Messrs. Neilson, Reid & Co., Glasgow. Cylinders, 19-in. by 26-in.; diameter of driving wheels, 6-ft. 6-in. ; heating surface—tubes, 1381-22 sq. ft., firebox, 118-78 sq. ft., total, 1500 sq. ft.; grate area, 20-6 sq. ft.; working pressure, 175 Ibs. per sq. in.; weight in working order, 52 tons l6| cwt.