The Locomotive Of Today
År: 1904
Forlag: The Locomotive Publishing Company, Limited
Sted: London
Udgave: 3
Sider: 180
UDK: 621.132
Reprinted with revisions and additions, from The Locomotive Magazine.
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Plate VI.—Four Coupled Three Cylinder Compound Engine for the Midland Ry.
Built at the Company’s Works, Deroy. Cylinders—H.P. (i), 19-in. by 26-in.,
L.P. (2), 21-in. by 26-in.; diameter of driving wheels, 7-ft.; heating surface—
tubes, 1374 sq. ft., firebox, 145 sq. ft., total 1519 sq. ft.; grate area, 25 sq. ft.;
working pressure, 180 Ibs. per sq. in.; weight in working order, 51 tons 12 cwt.
Plate VII.—Atlantic Type Four Coupled Bogie Express Engine for the Gt. Central
Ry. Built by Messrs. Beyer, Peacock & Co., Ltd., Gorton. Cylinders, igj-in.
by 26-in. ; diameter ot driving wheels, 6-ft. 9-in.; heating surface—tubes,
1777-9 sq. ft., firebox, 133-1 sq. ft., total 1911 sq. ft.; grate area, 26 sq. ft. ;
working pressure, 180 Ibs. per sq. in.; weight in working order, 63 tons 5 cwt.
Plate VIII.—Six Wheels Coupled Engine for the Furness Ry. Built by Messrs.
Nasmyth, Wilson & Co. Cylinders, 18-in. by 26-in.; diameter of driving
wheels, 4-ft. 8-in.; heating surface-tubes, 1029 sq. ft., firebox, 106 sq. ft.,
total, 1135 sq. ft.; grate area, 20-5 sq. ft.; working pressure, 150 Ibs. per sq. in.;
weight in working order, 38J tons.
Plate IX.—Six Coupled Leading Bogie Engine for the Great Western Ry. Built
at the Company’s Works, Swindon. Cylinders, 20-in. by 24-in.; diameter of
driving wheels, 4-ft. 6-in.; heating surface, 1517-89 sq. ft.; grate area, 35 sq. ft.;
working pressure, 165 Ibs. per sq. in.; weight, 59I tons.
Plate X.—Consolidation Two Cylinder Compound (Golsdorf system) Engine tor
the Austrian Southern Ry. Built by the Weiner Neustadt Locomotive Works.
Cylinders, H.P., 2i|-in. by 24|-in., L.P., 3l|-in. by 24j-in. ; diameter ot
driving wheels, 4-ft. 3|-in.; heating surface—tubes, 2551 sq. ft., firebox, 14a
sq. ft., total, 2691 sq. ft.; grate area, 36-275 sq. ft.; working pressure, 190 Ibs.
per sq. in.; weight in working order, 68 tons.
Plate XI.—Four Wheels Coupled Trailing Bogie Condensing Side Tank for the
Great Eastern Ry. Built at the Company’s Works, Stratford. Cylinders, 17-in.
by 24-in.; diameter of driving wheels, 4-ft. 11-in.; heating surface—tubes,
986-5 sq. ft., firebox, 94-9 sq. ft., total, 1081-4 scl- ft- J grate area, 15-27 sq. ft.
working pressure, 160 Ibs. per sq. in.; weight in working order, 52 tons.
Plate XII.—Four Wheels Coupled Double End Side Tank Engine for the Barry
Railway. Built by Messrs. Hudswell, Clarke & Co., Leeds. Cylinders, 18-in.
by 26-in. ; diameter of driving wheels, 5-ft. 7^-in.; heating surface—tubes-
967-6 sq. ft., firebox 106 sq. ft., total 1073-6 sq. ft.; grate area, 20 sq. ft. ;
working pressure, 150 Ibs. per sq. in. ; weight in working order, 61 tons io| cwt.
Plate XIII.—Four Wheels Coupled Leading Bogie Radial Side Tank Engine for
the Great Northern Ry. Built at the Company’s Works, Doncaster. Cylinders,
I7|-in. by 26-in.; diameter of driving wheels, 5-ft. 7|-in.; heating surface—
tubes 1020 sq. ft.; firebox 103 sq. ft., total 1123 sq. ft.; grate area, I7f sq. ft.
working pressure, 170 Ibs. per sq. in.; weight in working order, 56 tons.
Plate XIV.—Six Wheels Coupled Saddle Tank engine for the Metropolitan Ry.
Built by Messrs. Beckett & Sons, Bristol. Cylinders, 16-in. by 22-in.; diameter
of driving wheels, 3-ft. 10-in.; heating surface, 724 sq. ft.; grate area, 13-5 sq. ft.;
working pressure, 140 Ibs. per sq. in.; weight in working order, 39 tons.
Plate XV.—Six Whec-ls Coupled Radial Side Tank Engine for the London and
North Western Ry. Built at the Company’s Works, Crewe. Cylinders, 18-in.
by 24-in. ; diameter of driving wheels, 5-ft. 2|-in.; heating surface—tubes 980
sq. ft., firebox 103-5 SQ- total Io83’5 sq. 5 £rate area> r7-1 sq- ! working
pressure, 180 Ibs. per sq. in.; weight in working order, 52 tons 6 cwt.
Plate XVI.—Eight Wheels Coupled Radial Tank Engine for the Gieat Northern
Ry. Built at the Company’s Works, Doncaster. Cylinders, 20-in. by 26-in.
diameter of driving wheels, 4-ft. 7|-in.; heating surface—tubes, 1302-10 sq. ft.,
firebox, 136-74 sq. ft., total, 1438-84 sq. ft. ; grate area, 24 sq. ft.; working
pressure, 175 Ibs. per sq. in.; weight in working order, 79 tons.