Danmarks Deltagelse i Verdensudstillingen i Chicago 1893

År: 1895

Forlag: Udgivet af den danske Udstillingskomité ved Generalkommissæren

Sted: Kjøbenhavn

Sider: 118

UDK: gl. 061.4(100) Chicago

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82 CHICAGOÜDSTILLINGEN Studies from nature, remarkably true to life. They show high skill and perfection of execution. Broberg, Bodil A. Frøken, Kjøbenhavn. Broderi. The perfection of the lace, and its extreme originality. Christesen, V., Sølvvarefabrikant, Kjøbenhavn. Guld- og Sølvvarer. Artistic execution of very fine designs and models. — Juvelerarbejder. Reproductions in solid Gold of Scandinavian Antique Jewelry after old Northern motives in the Copenhagen National Museum. Shows excellence of workmanship and purity of taste. — Juvelerarbejder og Ornamenter. The beautiful reproduction of the old Scandinavian Jewelry and Ornaments; the fine quality of the gold and the fine work- manship. — Graverede Arbejder. Perfect style in design and fine execution. Dahlerup, Ursala, Baronesse, Charlottenlund. Vævede Sager. Fine execution and large variety of laces in Danish style. Origi- nality of designs embroidered on silk and tapestry, and careful execution of the work. — Bondestue-Interiør. The articles exhibited are all peculiar to peasant life in Denmark, and partially of historical value and interest. They have been collected with much care and diligence, and show the exhibitor to be posessed of extensive knowledge resulting from a careful study of the subject. — Udskaarne Træsager. Artistic workmanship and unique design of carved basswood, hand painted, white enamelled and decorated in gold, with special attention to detail. The dainty bed is a creation from the world wide »Andersen’s Fairy Tale of Ole Lukøje«. The mattress is in blue broadcloth tufted with daises; beautifully embroidered bed linen with blue silk coverlet hand painted with daises. A figure of »Ole Lukøje«, the »Dream God«, or »Sand Man«, with us more familiarly known, sits upon the head of the bed with his famous umbrellas, one with, and one without pictures; the one without pictures he holds over naughty children, who sleep heavily but not to dream, the other with pic- tures for good children, who sleep with pleasant dreams; the one here represented is, of course, for a good little girl; the hand painting well done.