Shop Management

Forfatter: Frederick Winslow Taylor

År: 1911

Forlag: Harper & Brothers Publishers

Sted: New York and London

Sider: 207

UDK: 658.01 Tay

With an introduction by Henry R. Towne

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SHOP MANAGEMENT 119 careful thought and attention and should be under the supervision of a competent man who will inquire into the experience and especial fitness and character of applicants and keep constantly revised lists of men suitable for the various positions in the shop. In this section of the planning room an individual record of each of the men in the works can well be kept showing his punctuality, absence without excuse, vio- lation of shop rules, spoiled work or damage to ma- chines or tools, as well as his skill at various kinds of work; average earnings, and other good qualities for the use of this department as well as the shop disciplinarian. (n) The Shop Disciplinarian. This man may well be closely associated with the employment bureau and, if the works is not too large, the two functions can be performed by the same man. The knowledge of character and of the qualities needed for various positions acquired in disciplining the men should be useful in selecting them for em- ployment. This man should, of course, consult con- stantly with the various foremen and bosses, both in his function as disciplinarian and in the employment of men. (o) A Mutual Accident Insurance Association. A mutual accident insurance association should be established, to which the company contributes as well as the men. The object of this association is two- fold: first, the relief of men who are injured, and second, an opportunity of returning to the workmen