Shop Management

Forfatter: Frederick Winslow Taylor

År: 1911

Forlag: Harper & Brothers Publishers

Sted: New York and London

Sider: 207

UDK: 658.01 Tay

With an introduction by Henry R. Towne

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204 INDEX Employers and men, personal relations between, 21, 22, 182- 188. Employment bureau, 118, 119. Emrie, Almon, his system for man- aging messenger boys, 201. Engineer as an Economist, the, 5. Engineering, analogy between mod- ern methods of shop management and modern, 66-68. Exception principle, example of, 109; coming more and more into use, 126. Executive functional bosses, duties of, 100-102. Expense exhibits, 115. Fining system, 197-199. First-class man, his work compared with average man’s, 24, 25, 50; wages of, 25, 27; conditions of development, 28; treatment of at Bethlehem Steel Co., 55. Foremanship, functional. See Func- tional foremanship. Foremen, their duties under mili- tary type of organization, 94; functional, 98, 99, 108, 109; the selecting and training of, 138- 140; best to begin by training in the full number of, 140; difficulty of selecting in advance those who are likely to prove successful as, 140, 141; different types of men should be chosen as, 141-143; inspector first to be chosen, 144. Formulae in time study, 159, 162, 163, 165. Four principles of good shop man- agement, 63, 64, 69, 70, 71, 75. Functional bosses, executive, duties of, 99,102; of the planning room, duties of, 102-104. Functional foremanship, advan- tages of, 104, 105; how to realize full possibilities of, 105, 106; in limited use, 106; managers apol- ogize for, 106; introduced into Midvale Steel Co., 107; best way to introduce, 107, 108; and over- foremen, 108, 109; analogy of, to management of large school, 109; selection and training of foremen, 138-140; a difficulty in introduc- ing, 145; objected to, 146. See Foremen. Functional management, what it consists in, 99, 100. Gang bosses, duties of, in military- type of organization, 96-98; duties of, in functional manage- ment, 100, 101; improvement due to introduction of, 108. Gantt, H. L., 70, 77, 180. Halsey, F. A., 38; quoted, 42. Handwork, time study for, 111-113. High pay for success, 64. High wages and low labor cost the foundation of the best shop man- agement, 22, 23, 25, 27, 46; principles to be followed to ob- tain, 63. Improvement of system on plant, 120. Information bureau, 116. Inspectors, duties of, 101; improve- ment due to introduction of, 108; first to be chosen, 144. Instruction card, for lathe work, 171; description of, 180-182. Instruction card, clerks, duties of, 102, 103. Insurance associations, accident, 119, 120, 198. Labor cost low, the foundation of the best ehop management, 22; conditions of high and low, 23. Labor unions, 186-194; the ideal, 56, 57. Large daily task, 63. Lathe work, instruction card for, 171. Limiting of amount of work by unions, 188, 189. Loafing, 30. Loss in case of failure, 64. Machine tools, methods employed in solving the time problem for, 178, 179. Machines, analysis of orders for, 111, 112; time study for opera- tions done by, 111, 113. Machinist, in system of functional foremanship, 146. Maintenance of system and plant, 116-118. Man, well-rounded, qualities which go to make up, 96.