Shop Management

Forfatter: Frederick Winslow Taylor

År: 1911

Forlag: Harper & Brothers Publishers

Sted: New York and London

Sider: 207

UDK: 658.01 Tay

With an introduction by Henry R. Towne

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INDEX 207 under Towne-Halsey plan, 38, 45; advocated, 46; study of at Bethlehem Steel Co., 48, 52-56; comparison of older methods with modern plan, 59; quickest time, 59; for hand work, 111-113; for operations done by machines, 111, 113; advantages of, 148; difficulties of, 149; made by Mr. Thompson, 150; implements of, developed by Mr. Thompson, ISO- 154; note sheet, 151-158; watch book, 152, 153; stop watch, 155; of several men at once, 158; formulæ in, 159, 162, 163, 165; assembling sheet, 160, 161; table for shoveling earth in average contract work, 164; every detail necessary in, 165, 166; practical trials of results desirable in, 166; should lead to accurate predic- tion of time, 167, 168, 174; sub- division of job into units, 168- 172; classes of work which can be submitted to, 176, 177; need of literature on the subject, 177; for machine tools, methods employed in, 178, 179; in Midvale Steel Co., 179-182; pay, etc., best deter- mined by, 187. Tools, desirability of standardizing, 123-126; machine, methods em- ployed in solving the problem for, 178, 179. Towne, Henry R., 5; The Engineer as an Economist, 5; mnemonic sys- tem of order numbers amplified by, 201. Towne-Halsey system of manage- ment, described, 38-42, 59; and task system compared, 42; writer approves the plan of, 39, 61. Training and selecting of men, ISS- US. Transportation, time study for, 111-113. Trusts, component companies of, built up through especial ability of one or two men, 17. Typewriting-machine, 8. Union men, how to deal with, 191— 194. Unions, labor, 186-194. Unit times, study of. See Time Study. Vauclain, Mr., of the Baldwin Loco- motive Works, his apprentice system, 202. Vise work, time study for, 111-113. Wadleigh, A. B., 54. Wage, minimum, 190. Wages, for first-class men, 25-27; should be regulated to fit special work, 28. Ward, Artemus, quoted, 70. Watch book, 152, 153. Welfare work, 199, 200. White, J. Maunsel, part discoverer of the Taylor-White process of treating tool steel, 124. Workman, and employer, interests should be mutual, 20; and em- ployer, relations between, 21, 182-188; average and first-class, 24; should be given highest class of work for which he is fitted, 28; 29; should be called upon to do his best, 28, 29; should be paid according to his work, 29; loafing and systematic soldiering, 30-34; objection to piece work, 34; under contract system, 35; in military type of organization, 99; in func- tional management, 99, 100; and use of time card, 127, 128; must be brought to see what change in organization means, 131, 132; in- struction of, as regards reorgan- ization, 132, 133; must rise from one plane of efficiency to another, 133, 134; looks upon change as antagonistic to his interests, 137; different types of men should be chosen, 141-143; his mistake in limiting amount of work, 188, 189; needs proper object lessons, 195; the disciplining of, 195-199. See Union men.