Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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87 OF ENGINEERING FORMCTLÆ. Mining. (Lefroy’s 'Handbook of Field Service.’) In the demolition of walls the line of least resistance L = half the thickness, and a is a coefficient depending on the structure. The charge in lbs. = a X L3. __ In a wall without counterforts, where the in- terval between the charge is 2L, a = 0'15. In a wall with counterforts the charge to be placed in the centre of each counterfort at the junction with the wall, a = 0’2. Where the charge is placed under a foundation, having equal support on both, sides, « = 0'4. If the foundation rests on woodwork, a = 0’5 to 0 • 6. . If the charge is placed'in the centre of a cir- cular or polygonal mass of masonry, a — 0 1. A leather bag containing 50 or 60 lbs. of pow- der, hung or propped up, will demolish almost any gate or barrier. For ordinary mines in average soil, the charge L3 in lbs. = — ■ Bulk of Rock EARTtfwoKK, &c., when placed in Embankment, original Excavation being ASSUMED AT 1*00. Rock, large blocks .. about Medium, miselected__________ Metal....................... Chalk ___________________ Sand, and gravel .......... Clay and earth after subsidence „ „ before „ __________________________________ 1 50 1-25 to 1 30 1-20 130 107 I-08 1-20