Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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99 OF ENGINEERING FORMULÆ. Portland Cement Concrete. (Sandeman, ‘ Trans. Inst. Civ. Eng.,’ vol. liv.) Proportions to 1 of Cement. Sand. Volume of Mortar per cent, of Concrete. Strength compared with Mortar, 1 Sand to 1 Cement. Tensile. ’ Compressive. 2 2 3 3 Total. Aggregates. 3'16 4-16 42-4 2-16 4-16 61-73 4-Ü 6-74 42-4 3’74 6-74 55-4 6’32 9-32 42-4 5-32 9’32 1 52-19 •655 •655 •458 •458 •316 •655 •655 •438 •438 •315 Volume of Interstices in Concrete. Per cent, of Total. Welsh limestone broken in a stone crusher into flat oblong pieces, which, when gauged the narrowest way, would pass through 3" ring....................................51 Gravel free from sand gauged through . 2J'' ring............................ .. 34 Welsh limestone and gravel as above, in equal proportions.................__ ■■ ..34 Limestone (masons’ chips) varying in size from small to pieces gauged by 4" ring .. 48 Red sandstone, hand broken, gauged from 4" to 8" ring ................................50 Ditto, from sand to pieces gauged by 4" ring 34 Ditto, two previous materials mixed in equal proportions................................36 Reduction of bulk of dry cement mixed with water ....................................10| Ditto of saud ............................«20 Ditto of sand and cement in equal proportions 19| h 2