Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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103 OF ENGINEERING F0RMULÆ. Notes on Timber. GENERAL CHARACTER. In the same class of timber the slower the growth or the narrower the annular rings the better. In the same class the heavier the better. The cellular tissue (when visible) in the medullary rays should be hard and compact. The fibrous tissues should adhere firmly together, and should show no woolliness at a freshly-cut surface; loose fibres should not clog the teeth of the saw. If the wood has colour, deepness of colour indicates strength and durability. The freshly-cut surface of wood should be firm, shining, and somewhat translucent. A dull, chalky appearance is a sign of bad timber. In resinous timber, those with least resin in their pores are strongest and most durable. In non-resiuous timber, those with least sap or gum are best. SEASONING TIMBER. Timber should be felled in winter when the sap is down. Timber should be seasoned from three to five years before it is fit for use. It should be removed from the forest as soon as possible, and stacked where it will not be exposed to the sun, the butt end downwards; the pores of the butt exposed to the action of the air. Squared timber is less apt to split than round timber; split timber less than sawn timber. Seasoning may be effected more rapidly by soaking in water, or boiling. These processes, however, weaken the timber. Soaking in water should continue for about a fortnight; the timber should be freshly