Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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109 OF ENGINEERING F0HMULÆ. Appboximate Rules fob the Thickness of Arches and Abutments. (Hurst.) D = Depth or thickness of crown in feet. H = Height of abutment to springing in feet. R — Radius of arch at crown in feet. T = Thickness of abutment in feet. W = Weight of 1 foot in length of half arch in cwts. n — Constant. D = n kJ R Series of arches:— Block Stone n = ’35 Brick .. »i = 45 Hubble .. n = 5 Single arches:— Block Stone n — ’3 Brick .. n = ‘4 Rubble .. n — ’45 Wv W .11/ " H ‘ A/ iR» + fRl + T = This formula gives the thickness T of abutment without wing-walls or counterforts just sufficient to balance the thrust of the half arch, the depth at the crown being equal to • 4 kJ K, and the material in the arch and abutment being the same. A considerable margin of safety must be allowed on the dimensions thus given. RULE SOMETIMES USED FOR RAILWAY BRIDGES. For spans between 25 and 70 feet—Rise = _ 5 Thickness of arch = — 18 S S Thickness of abutments t to - 5 4 ... S 8 Thickness of pier to - Batter (if any') 1 inch to the foot.