Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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112 Molesworth’s pocket-book STRENGTH OF SHORT COLUMNS, In which L la less than 30 D. w = Breaking weight of short columns. VV = Breaking weight of long columns as found above. C = Crushing force of material of which the column is formed x Sectional area of column. WC w — -------. W+ |C RELATIVE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS IN LONG COLUMNS. Cast iron being assumed as = 1000 Wrought iron _________— 1745 Cast steel .............=2518 2ak ....................= 109 Red deal ...............— 7g| RELATIV E STRENGTH OF ROUND AND FLAT ENDS IN LONG COLUMNS. Both ends rounded, 1 strength .. .. — 1 One end flat and firmly fixed, 1 strength = ‘1 Both ends flat and firmly fixed .. .. =8 RELATIVE STRENGTH OF SECTION IN LONG SOLID COLUMNS. Cylindrical ............... 100 Triangular .. .. ,, uq Square ......................, 93