Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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117 OF ENGINEERING l'ORMULÆ. Pile Driving. thkobetical fokce of the blow OF A FALLIN« "WEIGHT. V ~ Velocity acquired at the end of the fall iu feet per second (see “Falling Bodies”) = 8 v'fall in feet. W — Weight of ram. F = Force of blow = V W. Fall in Feet Force of Blow with Ram weighing 8 cwt. 10 cwt. 12 cwt. 14 cwt. tons. tons. tons. tons. 1 3'2 4-0 4-8 5-6 5 7-2 9-0 10-8 12-6 10 10-0 12-5 15-0 17-5 15 12-4 15-5 18-6 21-7 20 14-4 18-0 21-6 25-2 25 16-0 20-0 24-0 28-0 30 17*6 22*0 26’4 30-8 Rule fob the Weight of Rams. W — Weight of pile iu lbs. A = Sectional area of pile in inches. L = Length of pile in feet. H = Height of fall in feet. R = Weight of ram in lbs. \5AL / A heavy ram with a small fall splits the piles less than a light ram with a large fall.