Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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125 OF ENGINEERING FORMULÆ. factor of Deflec- Safe Load Distributed on Square Beams of Pine. (By Graphic Construction.) Find the ratio of span to depth = S -s- D; then t intersection of the radial line (due to that ratio) with the vertical line of the span will give the safe load measured by the scale. If the breadth of the beam be i the depth the result must be halved; if the breadth be f the depth the re- sult must be multiplied by |; if the load be concentrated at the centre of the span the result must be halved. The " " safety has been assumed = 10. S tion not to exceed —• • 40 Formtxæ from which the CkAGKAX HAS BEEN CAL- CULATED. L = 0-2fcS strength. I, = -04 KS for stiffness. J> = Depth in feet S = Span in feet k = 4*464 cwt K - 32-14 for ' IK I? äf if? SPAN' OF BEAM IN FEET. SCALE OFSAKB LOAD DISTRIBUTED IN CWTS.