Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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OF ENGINEERING FOEMULÆ. Strains ox a Polygonal Framing. >r Set out on a perpendicular line with any scale a number of units = total weight, and from the ends of this line lay off A' parallel to A, and D' parallel to D, and from their intersection F lay off B' and G' parallel to B and. C. The portions cut off by the intersection of these lines with the vertical line represent the weights at each point, Wp W2, and W3, required to keep the framing in equilibrio; and the lengths A', B', C', &c., repre- sent the strains on A, B, C, &c. To Determine the Character of any Strain. Let A B al id B C be any two bars of a framing. Produce the line AB, A C, to D and E. Let a represent the direction of the load if it passes in any direction between B and C, or & if it passee in any direction between D and E; c if between E and C; or d if between B and D. Direc- Character of Strain tion of I -3---------- Load. On AB. I ----1______■ Compression Tension i Tension Compression On AC. Compression i Tension 1 Compression Tension.