Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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153 OF ENGINEERING FOBMULÆ. Curved Roofs—continued. r — Strain on any brace. y = Distance of centre of brace from nearest point of support. F = Shearing force on girder at y. V = Vertical component of strain in that bay ot' top flange to which the brace is the diagonal (for value of V see preced- ing page). v = Vertical component ditto ditto of bottom flange, &e. Æ — Angle of brace with vertical line. r = (F + V — V) eecant k. F = ~ — y^. Strain on Braces in any other Form of Curved Girder. r = (F V ± v) secant k. The signs of either 4- or — are to be prefixed to V and v as follows:—__________ Ift>æ flange And is fadmed .'Hierign De 1U I is to be Tension .. Towards the nearest point of support! -f- „ ,. From „ ‘ „ — Compression Towards „ „ _ .. From „ „ I -|_