Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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164 Molesworth’s pocket-book Theorem of Thbee Moments. If A, B, C, be three consecutive supports of a continuous girder of any number of spans, whether equal or unequal, and ?! the consecutive spans; then let p, p. = the loads per unit of span on l3 respectively; and m, M? M3 — the bending moments on A, B, and C respectively. The relation between M, M, and M, is always expressed by the equation Mj'll + 2 + Z3) + M.• J3 = i ‘ Ji3 + P2'?»’)• Load on the Supports of a Continuous Gibdek of Equal Spans unifokmiy loaded. When the number of spans exceeds five, the loads on the supports are nearly the same as when the number is infinite. Deflection of Wkought-ikon Girders, Deflection of -fa to of the length may be allowed under special circumstances ; out under ordinary loads the deflection should not exceed t of these, say to . The practice In America is to allow after the girder has taken its permanent set. In small bridges there is a slight increase in deflection from high speeds, about ith or |th of the normal deflection, with the same load moving at slow speed. In large girders there is no perceptible difference between tbe deflection at high and low speeds.