Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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OF ENGINEEBING FOBMULÆ. Cast-ibon Gibdebs. D = Depth of girder in inches. f__ A = Area of bottom flange in inches. ? I S = Span in inches. P J ___ W = Breaking weight in tons. J. I ' ^*“1 Supported at both ends with load) w — 25 AD on centre____________________J — g Supported at toth ends with load I yy ___ SOAP distributed .. .. ...J S If the depth. = of the span, W = A 4 • 171 it If tlie depth = of the span, W = A X 5 J distributed Area of top flange if the load is I __ & applied on the top___________/ 3 Area of top flange if the load isl __ A applied on bottom flange 2 . , 2D Depth at the ends may equal —- O Safe deflection inch for each, foot of span, under a test load of |rd of the breaking weight. 169 ____________________________________________________ ________ Breaking Weight of Cast-iron Girdebs. (In tons distributed.) Span Depth Size of I Breaking Size of Breaking in feet. ininches. bot. Hange. | weight. bot. flange. weight. 10 10 6 X H = 31 » X li = 41 15 15 8 X li = 50 12 X H = 75 20 20 10 X H = 62 16 X U = 94 25 25 13 X If = 94 19 X 2 = 158 30 30 15 X 2 = 125 22 X 2 = 183 35 35 17 X 2 = 141 25 X 2 = 208