Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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172 MOLESWORTH’S POCKET-BOOK Stress Diagrams for Braced Girdbbs. (Dewar.) On the vertical line A Y set off, with any scale, the units of load at each apex (= in this case | total load evenly distributed). Draw, from each point thus set off, lines parallel to the top and bottom booms ; and diagonal lines parallel to the bracing. The stresses may be measured off by the scale of units. STRESS DIAGRAM. GIBDER DIAGRAM. LOAD DISTBIBVTE». STRESS DIAGRAM. Alternative Load. MAXIMUM STRESS ON EACH DIAGONAL FROM A PARTIAL TKAVILLINQ LOAD UMLFOKMir DISTBIBUTED. (Dewar.) Draw BC as before, supposing the whole girder loaded; and B A at any con- '** venlent angle. To any convenient scale set out B1 = 1; 1,2 = 2; 2, 3 = 3; 3,4 = 4, ending at 6, 7 = 7, the number of loaded apices In the girder. Join 7 C and draw lines parallel to it through 6,5,4, &c., cuttingB C, and through the points of intersection draw horizontal lines and zigzag lines parallel to the diagonals as before. The diagonals represent the greatest stress from a travelling load. Beyond the centre D they represent the greatest compression on what would be a tie if the load were fixed, and tension on what would be a strut.