Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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174 moleswortii’s fockbt-book Stkesses on Bkaoed ttiBDEBS. (Graphic Construction.) VUOUX Off LOAD. 2 1 % .......... 2___3 H £.---------- ------*- g % % % STRESS DIAGBAM FOR UNIFORM LOADS. l’be figures below the dia- of load denote the units of each point. The dotted lines denote the stresses on a girder of the form rfhown by the right half of the diagram of load. 8CALE OF UNITS OF LOAD. STBB33 DUGUAY FOB UNIFORM Moving LOAD. ß lay off A B as if for uniform loading, then draw the line AC at any convenient ancle and with any convenient scale lay off as many pomta as there are bays in the girder; making 1 = 1: 2 = 2; 2, 3 = 3; 3, 4 = 4, *e. joi„ 1013, and from each point draw lines parallel to 10B, which at their intersection with AB w(il giv« points from which the horizontal lines or the stress diagram may be drawn.