Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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180 moleswoiiTii’s pocket-book Phoi’OBTions of Suspension Links. $ Width of link .. Diameter of pin .. Width of eye .. Radius of back .. „ front .. Distance apart of centres for radii C and D .. .. Radius of shoulder Berkley’s. Saltash. w - i-oo = i-oo A = -75 = -66 B = 2-00 = 1'87 C = 1-00 = -935 D = 1-00 = -935 E - *75 = -1 F =. 1-5 = 7-6 Iron Pins in Suspension Bridges or Girders. The bearing surface of piua should be so propor- tioned that the working pressure will not exceed 3J or 4 tons per square inch. h = Diameter of pin in inches; minimum value of I) = • 75 W (Berkley), or ‘66 W (Fox). t — Thickness of link in inches. AV — Width of link in inches. d == Diameter of link in inches (if round). 3/'W s/~ D = 1-8 t y; or = VI 4 d3 - i di = 1-8 t for ' square liuks. If D, as determined above, be less than the minimum, it must be increased to the minimum.