Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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Side af 764 Forrige Næste
194 Molesworth’s pocket-book Prussian Railways—continued. Minimum diameter of tender wheels 3 feet Maximum breadth of tender .. .. 9 Ditto height of tender above rails .. 8 ” . CARRIAGES AND WAGGONS. Maximum wheel base for curves of 2000 feet radius ................... jg fe^t Ditto ditto, 1500 feet radius 15 Ditto ditto, 1000 „ ’’ 12 ’ Inclination of cone of tires 1 ” Maximum breadth of tire .. finches Minimum ditto .. .. .. .. 5 Minimum thickness of tire over rail.. a. inch Minimum play for flanges.................. i Maximum ditto........... " Clear width between wheels .. .. 4 ft ”51 in Maximum projection of flange below ' surface of rail .. .. ......... 1J inch 'Minimum diameter of wheels .. .. 3*feet Minimum diameter of axle at nave with 3|_ tons load per axle .. .. 4 inches Ditto ditto, 5 tons load .. .. 41. Ditto ditto, 6| tons load .. .. 53 ” Minimum diameter of axle journal with 3f tons load .. .. .. r> 2s Ditto ditto, 5 tons load .. .. 38 ” Ditto ditto, 6j tons load .. .. 34 ” Length of axle, centre to centre of * ” journal .. ........................ 6 ft. 51 in, Maximum length of journal . 8 inches Minimum ditto....................... 5 Maximum thickness of steel spring plates ... .. .. ......... I inch Length of carriage springs .. ,. 5 feet