Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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Side af 764 Forrige Næste
197 OF ENGINKEBING FORMDLÆ. Report of German Railway Union—continued. With two holes ou each side of the rail is the best to preserve gauge. Suspended joint preferred to insistent joint. Oil paint preferred to other coatings fur bridges. New ironwork should be cleaned before painting by plunging first into acid and then into lime and water. Expansion gear on bridges does not seem to be absolutely necessary. Expansion gear was taken from a bridge 280 feet span without any evil result. There is difficulty in obtaining steel of proper character for bridges, but steel bridges erected have been satisfactory. Coned bolts are recommended to replace long rivets of more than 1 inch diameter. Movable bridges should be so covered with distant signals, that releasing the gear to open them should automatically show danger signals. WORKS AT STATIONS. The distance between rail and guard at switches or cross- ings should be inch on straight and Ij on curves extending for about 3 feet opposite the point of the crossing, then increased to 2| in the length of another 3 feet, and then curved off. There is no advantage In giving a cant of 1 in 20 to rails and switches. No general arrangement is adopted for ensuring position of switches. Facing points should be locked on the switch tongue. Steel crossings are considered superior to iron. It is objectionable to allow wheels to run ou their flanges through crossings. Straight or curved switches are used in about the same proportions. Iron switches are generally preferred to steel. Facing points ou a double line of railway are objection- able. Fish-bolt fastening at head of switch is used about equally with pivot. It is preferable on single lines to pass over facing points on straight rather than curve. Fast trains running through should b? kept on the straight line.