Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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244 Molesworth’s pocket-book Discharge of Water fbom Orifices, Sluices, &c. V = Theoretical velocity due to the head oi water (from surface of water to centre of orifice). See next page. A = Area of aperture in square feet. Q = Quantity discharged in cubic feet * K — Coefficient for different orifices. E = Velocity of efflux. e = vk. q=ea Values of Kfor Different Orifices. For vena contracta, orifice at) v „„ cistern .. _.................. y K=:’97 Converging mouthpiece, angle j 13|S nai row end .. ., i Diverging 5“ ) Narrow end .. I Broad end .. = •91 •92 55 [ (Cylindrical, bore i to 1 length =-81 F" 1 J >■ » i to-jl- „ =-77 J I " » iVt«>Ä » =‘73 " A A » = • 6? ""‘Tl Short tube projecting inwards.. = • 68 J Orifice in a thin plate .. — »gi, • , , ±,Forwide oprings whose bottom 1 is on a level with that of the reservoir; for sluices I with walls in a line with the orifices; for bridges ?=-96 with pointed piers............................... J Fur narrow openings whose bottom is on å line with ( that of the reservoir; for abrupt projections and I =• 86 square piers of bridges............. .. .. . ) ror sluices without side waili., f --■qz