Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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253 OF ENGINEERING FORMULÆ. Delivery of Wateb in Pipes. (Eytelwcin.) D = Diameter of pipe in inches. H = Head of water in feet. L = Length of pipe in feet. W = Cubic feet of water discharged per minute W = 4-71 V7 . D = 0-538 V-^-2 ■L* H HaWKSLEY’ö FOliMLLA FOK THE DELIVEKY OS’ Wateb in Pipes. G = Number of gallons delivered per hour. L = Length of pipe in yards. H = Head of water in feet. D = Diameter of pipe in inches. Neville’s General Fokmcla v — 140 drs- 11 i'rs- velocity in feet per second. r being the hydraulic mean depth in feet and s the sine of the inclination, or the total fall divided by the total length. . In cylindrical pipes, v multiplied by 47-124 d2, gives in cubic feet the discharge per minute, or by 293-7286 cP the supply in gallons per d being the diameter of the pipe in feet. For greater diameters than those given in the Table divide the .»proposed diameter by 4, and twice the velocity opposite to the quotient in the Table will be the required velocity; or the cor- responding supply multiplied by 32 will be the approximate supply in gallons per minute.