Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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264 moleswoeth’s pocket-book Navigable Rivers, &c. SURFACE AND BOTTOM VELOCITIES OF RIVEHS. V = Velocity of water at surface in ins. per second. Velocity at bottom = (V + 1) — 2 VV. Mean velocity (V + 0-5)-Vv. • 8 V in sluggish rivers. Surface. j Bottom. Mean. 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 3-3 6 9 12 15 18-4 21-6 2’5 5-6 9 12-5 16 19-5 23-2 26'8 Surface Bottom. Mean. Surface. Bottom. Mean. 36 25 30-5 68 • 52-5 60-2 40 28-3 34-1 72 56'0 64'0 44 31-7 37-8 76 59'5 67-7 48 35-1 41-5 80 63-1 71-5 52 38-5 45-2 84 66-6 75-3 56 42 49 88 70-2 79-1 60 45'5 52-7 92 73-7 82-8 64 49 56’5 100 81 90-5 Obstructions in Rivers. V = Velocity of river previous to obstruction in feet per second. A = Sectional area of river unobstructed in feet. « = „ „ at obstruction in ft. R =aRise of water caused by the obstruction in ft. , Table of Rise of Water occasioned by Obstructions. Velo-| Bise in Feet when Amount of Obstruction compared with Sectional Area of River =: V. To * io .«L 10 TO JL A 1 •01 •04 •07 •12 •20 •35 •67 1-60 6’63 2 •03 ■06 •12 •21 •35 •62 1-19 2’83 11’70 3 •04 •11 •21 ■36 •61 1-07 2-05 4-88 20’15 4 •07 •18 •33 •57 •97 1-70 3-27 7-75 32-00 5 •II •27 •50 •85 1-43 2-50 4-81 11-43 47-18 6 •15 •37 •69 1-18 1'99 3-48 6’71 15-93 65-75 1 • 1A V Velocity caused by any obstruction = ————