Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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270 Molesworth’s pocket-book Time Employed in Filling and Emptying Cisterns when the Supply and Consump- tion ABE GOING ON AT THE SAME TlME. Q = Supply of water into cistern in cube feet per minute. q — Consumption of ditto from cistern in cube feet per minute. C = Contents of cistern in cube feet. T = Time required for filling cistern in minutes. t — Ditto for emptying ditto in minutes. Time Required to Empty Canal Locks, &c. A = Area of lock in ft. a = Area of sluice in ft. H = Head of water in feet. T = Time required in seconds. T = —A?. _v. . , Wil This is under the supposition that the sluice is constantly submerged; ao that its entire area is available throughout. The coefficient for lock sluices nas been as- sumed to be about ’ 6. Maximum Power of a Horse on Canals at Different Speeds. V — Velocity in miles per hour. H = Duration of work in hours per day. L Total load drawn by one horse on canal in tons V. H. L. V. H. L 2i iii 520 6 2 30 3 8 243 7 U 19 3i ®T°o 153 8 if 13 4 102 9 9 5 52 10 ¥