Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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277 OF ENGINEERING FORMULÆ. Waves—continued. Mr. Scott Russell divides waves into two classes:— Waves of translation, or of the 1st order. „ oscillation, „ 2nd „ WAVES OF THE 1ST ORDER. 1. Velocity not affected by the intensity of the generating impulse. 2. Motion of the particles always forward in the same direction as tiie wave, and the same at the bottom as at the surface. 3. Motion of the particles most intense in a vertical lino below the crest; the particles at rest in the trough. 4. Character of the wave, a prolate cycloid in long waves, approaching a true cycloid as the height of the wave approaches the proportion of Ird of its length. When the height is more than |rd of the length, the wave breaks. WAVES OF THE 2ND ORDER. 1. Ordinary sea waves are waves of the 2nd order, but become waves of the 1st order as they enter shallow water. 2. Character cycloidal. 3. Motion of water alternately flowing to and from a point. Towards the top of the wave the movement of particles is in the direction of the wave; but in the trough the movement is in the opposite direction.