Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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280 Molesworth’s pocket-book WATER-WORKS. 1 gallon of water = 0-16 cubic ft. approximately cube foot of water = 6| gallons approximately. 1P, C°ns«mPtion of water in towns. fXta| Ær per head ■“>' “ «”>*-■><- por.h“1’ P'r '’«y in raanur.,- Turing towns . the mam should be large enoue-h ' W6 than,double thc average quantity. 8 demand <3e'““d about 24 the average ** contain above 120 St r -PIny \ the rainy dlstricts, and 200 davs’ supply the less rainy districts of England ' Onreservoirs s.hould contain 3 days’ supply. avSÄ’Zle’*””1 A‘hS °f - ^Loss from overflow of storm-wafer about 10 per ,, ®vaPoration 50 per cent, less on flat country than on an undulating rocky country. Infiltration in England, in Winter . ” » Spring . ” » Summer . ” . ” Autumn . Average of the Year . „ . x „ Rainfall. Gieatest rainfall in England in 24 hours, about 3 inche' Meanal r“nfaU 111 Eng>“d from 20 to 70 inches. ,.50 to 70 ’’ 130 to 190 „ 23 » 35 „ •56 '20 08 33 per cent. 35 „ 2 „ 48 „ 42 „ In India, in the plains'' ,, in the hills .. Cape ......... Tasmania .. . ’ \' Greatest evaporation iA 24 hours in India about ., , t . M»an daily evaporation in India ' ’ ” •> England..