Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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36 Molesworth’s pocket-book Weight of Metals. WROUGHT IRON. Cubic inches X -28 = lbs. avoirdupois. „ -r-100 = qrs. „ -i- 400 = cwt. Thickness of plates in inches x 40 =lbs. per sq. ft. „ „ eighths x 5 - „ „ „ „ tenths x 4 = „ r. Sectional area in inches „ „ eighths „ „ inches X T X 3 • 34 = lbs. per lin. ft. X‘052 = „ „ X10 =lbs.perlin.yd. Lbs. per lineal yard x * 7857 = tons per mile run. Diameter of round iron in inches squared x 2 ■ 64 = lbs. per foot run. VAKIOÜS METALS. Multipliers to convert the weights as found above into the weights of other metals. Weight of wrought iron x "92 = weight of zinc. ™ cast iron. tin. steel, brass, copper, lead, of zinc. cast iron, tin. steel, brass, copper, lead. yard long Cube inches X -93 = X '94 = X1-04 = X1-09 = X1-15 = X1-47 = • 252= lbs. • 26 = „ • 262= „ • 288= „ • 3 = „ • 32 = „ • 41 = „ 1X1 and 1 X of wrought iron A bar _ weighs 10 lbs.