Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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Side af 764 Forrige Næste
47 OF ENGINEEBING FORMULÆ. Weight of Whought-ikon Gas-tubing of fair Quality, per 1000 Lineal Feet. Bore. Weight. Bore. Weight. Bore. Weight. in. cwt. in. cwt. in. cwt. i 2’5 1 16'0 2i 47-5 1 3'66 li 22’5 21 59’6 i 5-41 11 26-5 2f 75-0 i 7-77 14 35-0 3 82-5 f 10-5 2 40'0 Weight of Gas-tubing (lbs. per 1000 lineal feet). Bore in inches i 1SG 1 16 i ! < i 1 Composition 270 333 438 541 708 1084 1417 1583 1833 Block Tin .. 170 197 230 292 354 480 625 795 980 Weight of Round and Square Copper Kods in lbs. pek Lineal Foot. Size of Bod. Weight per Lineal Tout. Size or Bod. Weight per Lineal Foot. Size of Rod. Weight per Lineal Foot. Rud. Sqre. find. Sqre. Rud. Sqre, i 0-19 0-24 U 3’86 4-91 2 12’20 15-53 JL_ 0'30 0-3« 1-A 4-30 5-47 2,1- 12-97 16-51 ■I 0-43 0'55 4-77 6'06 13-77 17-53 -A 0 ‘58 0-74 iTV 5’25 6'68 2-3- 14-60 18-58 0-76 0-97 11 5-77 7'34 är 15-44 19-65 -JL 0-96 1 -23 6-30 8-02 2ä- 16'31 20-76 r 1-19 1-52 u 6'86 8’73 2| 17-20 21-90 H 1-44 1'83 1-JL. 7-45 9-43 2 A- 18-12 23-06 t 1-72 2-18 1-1 8-05 10-25 2| 19'06 24-26 1» 2-01 2-5(5 1X1 8-69 11-05 21-02 26*75 2-33 2-97 It 9-34 11’89 2J 23-07 29-36 XÅ 2-68 3-41 111 10-02 12'75 2J 25’21 32'09 1 3-05 3'44 3-88 4-38 If Iff 10-72 11-45 13-65 14-57 3 27’45 34-94