Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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53 OF ENGINEERING FOBMULÆ. Table of Weight of Ropes in lbs. per Fathom. Circum. Inches. Hemp. Wire. Circum. Inches. Hemp. Common. Good. Iron. 1 Steel. Common. Good. 1 •18 •24 •87 •89 i 4i 3-25 4-34 li •28 •38 1-36 1-39 4} 3-65 4-86 u •41 .•54 1-96 2-00 4J 4-06 5-42 •55 ■74 2-66 2-731 5 4-50 6-00 2 •72 •96 3-48 3-561 5i 5-45 7'26 2i •91 1-22 4-40 4-51 6 6-48 8-64 2i 1-13 1*50 5-44 5-56 64 7-61 10-14 24 1-36 1-82 6-58 6-73 7 8-82 11-76 3 1-62 2-16 7'83 8-01 U 10-13 13-50 3i 1-90 2-54 9-19 9-40 8 11-52 15*36 3i 2-21 2-94 10-66 10-90 8i 13-05 17'34 3t 2’53 3’38 12-23 12-52 9 14-58 19-44 4 2'88 3'84 13'92 U-24 10 18-00 24-00 Weight and Strength ok Flat Ropes of Hemp and Wire. Hemp. Iron Wire. Size in inches. Lbs. weight per fathom. Size in inches. Lbs. weight per fathom. 4 Xll 20 2iX i 11 5 XH 24 2|X i 13 5iXlf 26 2iX 1 15 5JXH 28 3 X f 16 6 XH 30 34X I 18 ’ Xl| 36 3*X f 20 8iX2J 40 3|X]J 22 8±X2i 45 i xii 25 9 X2f 50 4iX 4 28 9iX2f 55 4iX 1 32 10X2i 60 34 Steel Wire. Equivalent Strength. Size in inches. Lbs. weight per fathom. Work- ing Load per cwt. Break- ing Strain per ton. — — 44 20 —• •—• 52 23 —— * — 60 27 2 X i 10 64 28 2iX i 11 72 32 — —— 80 36 2£x ; 13 88 40 2fX J 15 100 45 3 X I 16 112 50 3iX | 18 123 56 3ix 4 20 136 60