Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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71 OF ENGINEERING FORMULÆ. Earthwork Tables—continued. Right Slope. v = ~ = *316; F = -587, Table V. ±1 iy W — wfe± 25 — 20 = 5; 5 x • 587 = 2’93. w + (W — w)F = 20 + 2-93 = 22'93 = W«. v = -316 N., = 1-5172 Table IL* H = 19 = 1-2788 L = 55 = 1-7404 Wm = 22-93 = 1-3604 V - 7884 = 3-8968 By direct calculation, V = 7883 • 3. Whole volume of embankment = 1650 + 13110 + 7884 — 22644 cubic metres, yards, or feet, supposing the dimensions to be in metres, yards, or feet respectively. By direct calculation the result is 22642 nearly. - In this example the right-hand slopes are “ in winding" to show that the Tables are quite general in their application, and only require that the correct dimensions for area of end sections shall be used. Tables I., II., III., IV., are from equations by Mr. Ryan, formerly of Messrs. Cameron and Ryan, Bombay. Tables V., VI., are from equations by the Rev. J. Sowerby, formerly of Marlborough College. * Triangular Prismoid: N from Table II.