Pocketbook of Useful Formulæ and Memoranda
for Civil and Mechanical Engineers

Forfatter: Guilford L. Molesworth

Sider: 744

UDK: 600 (093)

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82 molbsworth'» pocket-book Roads Skirting B=Width of base. A=Area of section. x — Angle of ground with horizon. y—Angle of slope with horizon. Sidelong Ground. B ________ co tan, x — cotan. ?/. Values of K for different Angle of ground i to 1. itoi. Jtol. Itoi. i; to 1, 10 •0922 ■0967 •1016 •107 •1199 12 •1123 •119 •1265 •1351 •1562 14 ‘1329 ’•1424 •1533 •1661 •1992 16 •1543 •1672 •1794 •2008 •2512 18 ‘1766 •1937 •2145 •2407 -3164 20 * 2 ■2222 •25 •'2857 •4009 22 • 2252 •2538 •2907 ■3389 •5128 24 ’25 •2857 •3342 •4012 •6702 26 •2777 •3225 •3846 •4761 •909 28 •3067 •362 •4421 •5675 1'3123 30 •3373 •4058 •5091 •6830 2’1551 32 •3703 •4545 •5882 *8333 34 •4058 •5091 •6830 1-0373 36 •444 •5707 •798“ 1’3297 38 •4854 •641 •9434 1-7857 40 •5307 •7225 1-131 2’6041 42 •5807 •8183 1-385 44 •6364 •9345 1-754 46 •6983 1-0729 2’315 48 •7692 125 50 •8488 1-475 A convenient plan is to take the angles of the ground at contour pegs 100 feet apart and the base in feet. A table prepared for any given bage and elope from the formula will give the contents for each length in “ cubes ” (100 cubic feet) per “ line ” (of 100 lineal feet), without the neces- sity for plotting the croas-aectioiui.