Cylinder Oil 600 W What Is For, What Will It Do 1920
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atomizing method, by which the oil is introduced through
an atomizer into the center of the flow of steam. The steam
impinging with great velocity against the spoon shaped end
of the atomizer, will drive the oil through the slits in the
atomizer, so that the oil becomes thoroughly broken up and,
in the form of an exceedingly fine spray, mixes with the
steam and enters the engine.
It lubricates the spindle of the engine stop val ve which
makes this valve easy to operate.
It lubricates the valves and valve spindles, the steam carry-
ing a portion of the oil on these points.
The oil is thoroughly distributed in the form of a uniform
coating over the piston, piston rings and cylinder walls.
The piston rod receives its proper share of the oil, and
the piston-rod packing is in this way lubricated from the
inside. This is much more economical than lubricating the
piston rod from the outside, in which case the lubrication is
inefiicient, as the oil is scraped off by the giand.
Where the oil is supplied directly to the various parts, it is
frequently found that the piston-rod, is poorly lubricated,
particularly under high pressure conditions. The rod
shows evidence of uneven distribution of oil. It looks
scratched all over, and has the peculiar raw polished sur-
face that indicates wear.
Where, in such cases, the atomization method is substituted
the oil cups furnishing lubrication to the outside of the
piston rod can usually be dispensed with and, due to the
better lubrication of the piston rod from the inside, the