Cylinder Oil 600 W What Is For, What Will It Do 1920
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surfaces. Metallic contact will take place, resulting in ex-
cessive wear. Excessive leakage of steam will also occur, as
the oil will not be able to maintain a perfect seal between
the moving surfaces.
Too Much Oil T°° muc^ °^’ un<^er saturated steam con-
ditions, is no better than when the right
quantity of oil is used. Under superheated steam con-
ditions, the excess oil is positively detrimental, leading to
the formation of carbonaceous deposits.
T T ‘ttl 0'1 Too little oil will not maintain a complete
°° 1 oil film between the frictional surfaces, so
that not only will heavy friction and wear occur, but also
excessive leakage of steam past the moving surfaces.
Oil low in quality will not maintain a com-
plete oil film on the internal surfaces, not-
witlis landing a liberal feed, so that the
losses due to friction and steam leakage are always high.
Under conditions of high pressure and, particularly under
conditions of superheat, such an oil will permit excessive
wear and will frequently result in the formation of car-
bonaceous deposits, due to decomposition of the oil.
Gargoyle Cylinder Oil 600 W will maintain
a complete oil film between the frictional
surfaces. The frictional losses, due to the
fluid friction of the oil itself as well as the
losses due to leakage of steam past the moving surfaces,
will be reduced to a minimum. Consequently, the steam
consumption per horsepower will be the lowest possible for
that particular engine.
Oil Low in
Cylinder Oil
600 W