Cylinder Oil 600 W What Is For, What Will It Do 1920
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friction of the engine itself, running at normal speed, but
without load:
Frictional Load Oil Drops per minute
No lubrication 27 hp. 0
Ordinary cylinder oil 23 hp. 10
Better grade cylinder oil 20 hp. 4
Gargoyle Cylinder Oil 600 W 18 hp. 2
In the case of non-lubrication, the frictional horsepower
was very high and no doubt a great deal of steam was also
lost in leakage past the valve and piston.
When using a heavy feed of ordinary cylinder oil, the fric-
tion was reduced. It was reduced still further by using a
smaller quantity of a better grade of cylinder oil. But when
using only two drops per minute of Gargoyle Cylinder Oil
600 W, the friction was reduced to a minimum, proving that
the true value of a cylinder oil lies in its ability to reduce
friction even on a reduced feed, so that its price per gallon
is of minor importance.
The cost of lubrication when using Gargoyle Cylinder Oil
600 W is, frequently, less than when using other cylinder oils.
But, even if the cost should be somewhat higher, the saving
in friction, which takes place and which is rarely taken into
account, will outweigh, many times, any increase in the
cost of lubrication.
II. On a 1500 horsepower cross compound steam engine
employing superheated steam, with a total steam tempera-
ture of 530° F., when using another cylinder oil, it was
never possible to keep the packing absolutely tight and a