Cylinder Oil 600 W What Is For, What Will It Do 1920
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ders and valves should be opened for inspection, in order to
make sure that the lubrication has been efficiently main-
tained throughout.
When testing Gargoyle Cylinder Oil 600 W, it is frequently
found, during the early period, that deposits left by the
previous oil are loosened and that some of the deposits work
out in the form of a dark sludge on the piston and valve rods.
Gargoyle Cylinder Oil 600 W has a cleansing action on these
deposits and af ter a lit tle while all the surfaces will appear
clean and well oiled. The appearance of deposits in the
early stages of the trial should, therefore, not be attributed
to Gargoyle Cylinder Oil 600 W, but to the oil previously
in use.
Another evidence of the searching action of Gargoyle Cylin-
der Oil 600 W is that, where it is introduced into the steam
pipe and atomized with the steam, the pipe joints between
the point of entrance of the oil and the engine sometimes
leak, due to the faet that Gargoyle Cylinder Oil 600 W has
dissolved deposits and dirt in the joints, so that the packing
will need tightening in order to keep it steam tight.
Typical Results by the use of
Gargoyle Cylinder Oil 600 W
I. Careful comparative tests carried out on a 125 horse-
power, horizontal slide valve engine showed the folio wing
comparative results, using different qualities of cylinder oils.
In the table is given the number of drops of oil used per
min ute and the horsepower consumed in overcoming the